Data-Driven Design.


We integrate comprehensive data analytics with end-to-end marketing design and development to create evidence-based, user-centric experiences that drive higher sales conversion rates.



Problem 1: Ineffective User Experiences

Many businesses struggle with creating user experiences that effectively engage their audience and convert visitors into customers. They often rely on design trends without understanding user behavior and preferences.

Problem 2: Low Conversion Rates

Despite having a visually appealing website or app, businesses often see low conversion rates because their design decisions are not informed by data.

Problem 3: Disconnect From Marketing and Experience

There’s often a gap between marketing strategies and the user experience, leading to inconsistent brand messaging and user frustration.


User Behavior Analytics: Analyze user data to understand how visitors interact with your digital platforms. Identify pain points and areas of friction that hinder user engagement.

Personalized Design: Use insights from data analytics to create personalized, user-centric designs that cater to the specific needs and preferences of your target audience.

Conversion Optimization: Utilize data analytics to identify elements of your site or app that are underperforming. Implement A/B testing and multivariate testing to find the most effective design and content variations.

Performance Tracking: Continuously monitor key performance metrics and adjust designs based on real-time data to ensure optimal conversion rates.

Integrated Approach: Combine marketing data with UX/UI design to create a seamless user journey from initial marketing touchpoints to final conversion. Ensure that marketing messages align with the user experience, creating a cohesive and compelling brand story.

Holistic Insights: Provide clients with a comprehensive view of how their marketing efforts impact user behavior and design performance, enabling them to make informed decisions that enhance overall effectiveness.


  1. Integrate analytic software.

  2. Audit systems and analyze user behavior.

  3. Apply analysis to user flow and wireframe.

  4. Prototype for testing.

  5. Launch.


UX/UI Design

Data-driven user experience and user interface design services, meticulously crafted to generate captivating digital experiences that resonate with users on a profound level.


  • Website Design

  • Application Design

  • Software Design


Conversion and Engagement:

  • A well-designed user interface can increase your website’s conversion rate by up to 200%, while a better UX design can yield conversion rates up to 400%.

  • 38% of users will stop engaging with a website if the content/layout is unattractive.

User Retention and Satisfaction:

  • 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience.

  • 70% of customers abandon purchases because of bad user experiences.

Performance and Efficiency:

  • Users form an opinion about your website in approximately 50 milliseconds.

  • A seamless UX design can reduce support costs by up to 20%.


Neuromarketing and Behavioral Science

Enhanced neuromarketing and behavior analysis for enhanced user experiences. We use data analytics to design immersive websites, apps, and software that engage users subconsciously, driving conversion rates. Our strategy optimizes UI to trigger desired emotional responses, maximizing impact. Partner with us for powerful neuromarketing solutions.


  • Qualitative and Quantitative Data Collection

  • Market/Consumer Research

  • Behavioral Analysis


Retention and Brand Recall

  • Neuromarketing techniques can increase retention by 40% and improve brand recall by 50%.

  • Emotional engagement through neuromarketing can improve the likelihood of purchase intent by 30%.

Consumer Behavior Insights:

  • Using neuromarketing, companies can understand consumer preferences with 90% accuracy.

  • 71% of consumers prefer brands that understand them on a personal level.

Marketing Effectiveness:

  • Companies using neuromarketing strategies have seen a 20% increase in campaign effectiveness.

  • Applying neuromarketing principles can enhance the emotional response, leading to a 33% increase in engagement.


Data Analytics

Expert data integration services for optimizing digital platforms and boosting conversion rates with personalized user experiences.


  • Data Integration and Configuration

  • Heatmapping and Session Analysis

  • Event/Conversion Tracking


Business Performance:

  • Data-driven businesses are 23 times more likely to acquire customers, 6 times as likely to retain customers, and 19 times as likely to be profitable.

  • Companies that utilize data analytics see a 20% increase in revenue on average.

Decision Making and Strategy:

  • 83% of businesses report that data analytics significantly improves decision-making capabilities.

  • Data analytics can reduce marketing costs by up to 15% by optimizing targeting and personalization.

User Insights and Optimization:

  • Data-driven insights can lead to a 30% improvement in user experience.

  • Integrating analytics tools can decrease customer churn by up to 25%.


At Logan Storm & Company, we truly believe in transparency when it comes to pricing. With some of the most customizable pricing options in the industry, you can rest assured that you are only paying for the services you genuinely need.

Our service pricing model is based on economic models so that it’s not only easy to understand but also designed to ensure you feel confident about where your money is going.


With over 5 years of hands-on experience in crafting user experiences for a diverse range of websites, applications, and software, Logan Storm has curated an extensive portfolio. His work showcases projects executed for renowned corporations such as Mars, Amazon, Taste of Nature, and Toyota.

Emphasizing a data-centric strategy, our team meticulously analyzes insights from start to finish, ensuring optimal performance of our designs.


People Over Profit

We believe that a consumer and people-first approach is the foundation of any successful business. Our commitment to valuing people—clients, employees, and partners—ensures that we build lasting relationships and create meaningful impact. Without people, there is no business to operate.

Always Stay Curious

Curiosity drives innovation and excellence. We foster an environment where continuous learning and exploration are encouraged. By staying curious, we remain adaptable, discover new possibilities, and deliver cutting-edge solutions.

Long-Term, Sustainable Growth

We prioritize long-term, sustainable growth over short-term gains. Our strategies focus on creating enduring value for our clients and stakeholders. We believe that true success comes from consistent, responsible growth that benefits everyone involved.

Servant Leadership

We lead by serving others. Our leadership philosophy is centered around empowering our team and clients, putting their needs first. By fostering a supportive and collaborative culture, we inspire and enable everyone to achieve their best.

Connect with us today.

Logan Storm

Analyst and UX/UI Designer